How to Choose the Best Landing Spots in PUBG


Landing in the right spot can be the difference between a chicken dinner and an early exit in PUBG. The initial moments of a match are crucial; understanding where to land, when to land, and how to approach your landing zone can significantly impact your chances of survival. This guide will delve deep into the art and science of choosing the best landing spots in PUBG.

Understanding the Map

Before we discuss specific landing spots, it’s essential to grasp the overall layout of the map. Each PUBG map has its unique characteristics:

  • Terrain: Mountains, hills, plains, and water bodies can dramatically influence your landing strategy.
  • Loot Density: Some areas are known for their rich loot spawns, while others are relatively bare.
  • Building Density: The number and type of buildings can affect your approach and engagement style.
  • Points of Interest (POIs): These are named locations with high loot potential and often intense early game action.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Landing Spot

  1. Loot vs. Engagement:
    • High Loot, High Risk: Landing at popular POIs like School, Pochinki, or Georgopol offers rich loot but guarantees intense early game fights.
    • Balanced Loot, Medium Risk: Areas like Quarry, Sosnovka Military Base, or Haven offer a decent loot pool with moderate player density.
    • Low Loot, Low Risk: Remote locations like Farm, Shelter, or Zharki provide a peaceful start but may limit your early game equipment.
  2. Distance to the Circle:
    • Ideally, your landing spot should be relatively close to the initial safe zone. This will save you time and energy while moving towards the circle.
    • However, don’t compromise on loot or engagement for the sake of distance alone.
  3. Terrain Advantage:
    • Landing on a hill or elevated position can provide a tactical advantage. You can survey the area, spot enemies, and potentially take them down from a higher ground.
    • Consider the surrounding terrain. A steep slope or dense forest can hinder your movement.
  4. Vehicle Spawn Points:
    • Proximity to vehicle spawns can be crucial for quick rotations and escaping dangerous situations.
    • Some areas have a higher chance of spawning cars, motorcycles, or boats.
  5. Team Coordination:
    • If you’re playing in a squad, communicate your landing spot with your teammates. Coordinate your drops to maximize loot collection and provide mutual support.
    • Consider dividing and conquering if the landing spot is large enough.

Popular Landing Spots and Strategies

  • High-Tier Loot Locations:
    • School (Erangel): Offers a massive loot pool but expect intense competition.
    • Pochinki (Erangel): Similar to School, with multiple buildings and high-value loot.
    • Georgopol (Erangel): A large city with a variety of buildings and loot.
    • Mansion (Miramar): A luxurious estate with abundant loot, but also a prime target.
    • Hacienda del PatrĂ³n (Miramar): Another high-tier location with a mix of buildings and open spaces.
  • Balanced Loot Locations:
    • Quarry (Erangel): Offers a good balance of loot and engagement.
    • Sosnovka Military Base (Erangel): Diverse loot with opportunities for both close and long-range combat.
    • Haven (Erangel): A relatively new location with a mix of buildings and open areas.
    • Los Leones (Miramar): A large city with a good loot distribution.
    • Prison (Miramar): Offers a unique challenge with a prison-themed layout.
  • Low-Tier Loot Locations:
    • Farm (Erangel): A peaceful start with limited loot.
    • Shelter (Erangel): Similar to Farm, with a few additional buildings.
    • Zharki (Erangel): A small village with basic loot.
    • El Azahar (Miramar): A desert town with limited resources.
    • Monte Nuevo (Miramar): A small settlement with a few buildings.

Landing Techniques and Tips

  • Master the Drop: Practice jumping and aiming your parachute to land precisely on your target.
  • Quick Loot: Prioritize essential items like helmets, armor, weapons, and medical supplies.
  • Weapon Choice: Consider your playstyle and the current situation when selecting a weapon.
  • Map Awareness: Continuously check the map to monitor the safe zone and enemy locations.
  • Communication: If playing with a team, communicate your intentions and findings.
  • Adapt and Overcome: Be prepared to adjust your strategy based on the situation.


Choosing the right landing spot in PUBG is a complex decision influenced by various factors. By understanding the map, considering loot, engagement, and terrain, and mastering landing techniques, you can significantly improve your chances of survival and victory. Remember, the best landing spot is the one that aligns with your playstyle and the current match conditions. Experiment with different locations and find what works best for you.

[Continue with additional sections, such as advanced landing strategies, specific tips for different maps, and detailed analysis of popular landing spots.]

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